The Cultivating Connection Experience
The Cultivating Connection Experience
Amanda Fowler

Welcome to The Cultivating Connection Experience

Reconnect with your soul, beliefs, thoughts, & emotions so that you can manifest the life you crave.

What It Is:

The Cultivating Connection Experience is a 5 week group course that will TEACH YOU how to get quiet, connect with your subconscious mind + soul, release limiting beliefs, uncover stored emotions, connect with your inner child, discover your human design and then learn how to visualize and manifest the life you dream of. This is for women who feel unfulfilled, lost, disconnected from who they are, but know they are destined for more. This is for women who are ready to release what is holding them back so they can unleash their potential.

The Cultivating Connection Experience also includes a community element where you'll have access to live group calls both during & beyond the length of the program, as well as a community feed where you can connect with other like-minded women in real-time.



WEEK 1: This is where we'll unplug from any distractions that are keeping us from connecting deeper with ourselves (like tv, social media, podcasts, youtube, etc). Next, I teach you what to start doing once you've limited your distractions AKA, what to do with your alone time & how to actually connect deeper with yourself. I talk about meditation and teach you how to make it feel authentic to you, and we also talk about becoming aware of your thoughts, emotions, & beliefs. Lastly, I'll teach you about The Cultivating Connection Measuring Growth tool so that you are able to measure your progress/growth throughout the next 5 weeks.

WEEK 2: In the second week, we work towards releasing self limiting beliefs — AKA the beliefs that are holding us back from making our dreams a reality, being the best version of ourselves, or creating better habits. From there, you'll learn about the energetics of your emotions, how to better understand them, and utilize them for your growth. Next, we build your joy toolkit to discover your passions and then talk about how to navigate the things that no longer serve you.

WEEK 3: During week 3, you will have no new material. This is an implementation week. We'll have a live group call, but this is a week for you to implement what you already learned and catch up on modules that may have required a bit more time.

WEEK 4: In the fourth week, we're doing a lot of passion, soul, & self discovery. You'll learn about how to reconnect with your inner child to discover who you are, as well as learn about your Human Design — a system that is a combination of ancient + modern day sciences that teaches you how you energetically operate in the world, make decisions best, your unique gifts/strengths, & who you came here to be.

WEEK 5: The last week of the course is where we begin to look ahead. I'll teach you how to use visualization to manifest and take aligned action on your goals & dreams. You'll also build a virtual vision board during this week to start working towards. I'll talk about how to take all that you've learned and actually embody who you are so that you can live with more clarity, confidence, & connection. We'll also check in with the progress + growth you've made through The Cultivating Connection Measuring Growth tool. Then, we celebrate you!!!

At the start of each week, we'll have a live group call via Zoom where we'll connect, share, & support one another. You'll also receive additional guidance and coaching from me on your specific growth.

Who This is For:

This is for women who are feeling:

  • unfulfilled in their current job, role, or day-to-day routine
  • confused on what's next for themselves or their business
  • lost about what their purpose is
  • unsure of who they are on a soul level
  • like they have a lot of different ideas or dreams, but aren't sure how to make them a reality
  • curious to explore themselves on a deeper level through things like meditation, movement, inner child work, & human design
  • like they're in a transition phase of their life and want to get really clear about where they're going
  • disconnected from themselves and want to take a social media/digital detox in an intentional way
  • like they're craving community with like-minded women and want to prioritize their growth while connecting with others
  • like they need support, accountability, guidance, & structure to help them become all that they are


What You Can Expect:

Through 5 weeks of:

  • 5 group calls (recorded if you cannot attend live)
  • 5 video + text learning modules (1-2 hours of material per week)
  • Journal prompts
  • A community feed for support, accountability, and connection
  • Access to me through group calls + community feed

You'll feel more:

  • confident
  • clear
  • connected to yourself + others
  • inspired
  • sure of who you are
  • fulfilled
  • joyful
  • aware

Hear From The Women Who Said Yes to This Course:


Why I Created This Course
